In order to ensure timely and effective completion of works, different wings viz: Civil/Electrical/Mechanical/Architectural/Horticultural work together in Public Works Department.
The organizational structure has six tier hierarchy i.e., Engineer-in-Chief , Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer and Junior Engineer. The Architectural and Horticultural units are headed by Senior Architect and Dy. Director (Horticulture) who work under the zonal Chief Engineer.
The Administrative head of PWD Delhi is Principal Secretary (PWD) Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
Traversing a long journey from a 'provincial division' of CPWD in pre-independence era a separate zone was created for Delhi Administration on 20th June, 1961. The growth of organization & its activities has continued in a steady manner. In its present outfit PWD Delhi is headed by an Engineer-in-Chief with 7 zonal Chief Engineers.
At present the regular staff strength of PWD Delhi is 3292 including technical officials. Customarily all post of PWD, Delhi are encadred posts of CPWD and are controlled by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India.
कार्यों को समय पर और प्रभावी तरीके से पूरा करने को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए सिविल। इलैक्ट्रिकल। मैकेनिकल। आर्किटेक्चरल। हॉर्टिकल्चर जैसे विंग लोक निर्माण विभाग में मिलकर एक साथ काम करते हैं।
संगठनात्मक संरचना में छह स्तरीय पदानुक्रम है जैसे प्रधान मुख्य अभियंता, मुख्य अभियंता, अधीक्षण अभियंता आर्किटेक्चरल तथा हॉर्टिकल्चर इकाइयों की अगुवाई क्रमशः वरिष्ठ आर्किटेक्ट तथा उपनिदेशक (उद्यान) द्वारा की जाती है जो आंचलिक मुख्य अभियंता के तहत कार्य करते हैं।
लोक निर्माण विभाग, दिल्ली के प्रशासनिक प्रमुख-प्रमुख सचिव (लोक निर्माण विभाग) हैं ।
स्वतंत्रता-पूर्व युग में के0लो0नि0 विभाग के एक "प्रान्तीय मंडल विभाग" की यात्रा को पार करते हुए दिनांक 20 जून, 1961 को दिल्ली प्रशासन के लिए एक पृथक अंचल बनाया गया था। संगठन का विकास तथा इसकी गतिबिधियाँ नियमित रूप से जारी हैं। वर्तमान रूप में लो0नि0वि0, दिल्ली की अगुवाई 7 आंचलिक प्रमुख अभियंताओं के साथ प्रमुख अभियंता द्वारा की जा रही है।
तकनीकी अधिकारियों को मिलाकर लो0नि0वि0 दिल्ली के नियमित स्टाफ की संख्या 3292 है। परंपरानुसार लो0नि0वि0, दिल्ली के सभी पद के0लो0नि0 विभाग के सलग्न पद हैं और जिनका नियंत्रण आवास और शहरी मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार द्वारा किया जाता है।
Officeकार्यालय | Nameनाम | Addressपता | Email-Idईमेल आईडी | Phone No.फोन नं. | Fax No.फैक्स नं. |
Engineer-in-Chief |
Shri Md Khairuddin Mallick
(Addl. Director General) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I. P.Estate, New Delhi: 110002 | | 23724560 | 23319021 |
Pr. Chief Engineer (Maintenance) |
Shri Md Khairuddin Mallick
(Addl. Director General) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I. P.Estate, New Delhi: 110002 | |
23317520 23317926 |
23766924 |
Controller of Accounts, O/o Engineer-in-Chief |
Shri Shree Nivas Rao
(Controller of Accounts) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi 110002 | 23490093 | ||
Pr. Chief Engineer (Projects) |
Shri Md Khairuddin Mallick
(Addl. Director General) |
9th Floor, MSO Building, I.P Estate, New Delhi - 110002 | |
23319795 23317728 |
Director (Works), O/o Engineer-in-Chief |
Shri Rohit Meena
(Superintending Engineer) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi 110002 | | 23311293 | 23319021 |
Director (Personal), O/o Engineer-in-Chief |
Shri Sahanubhuti Ashok
(Executive Engineer) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I.P Estate, New Delhi-110002 | | 23311293 | |
Director (Horticulture) |
Er Shailendra
(Chief Engineer) |
13th Floor, MSO Building, I.P Estate, New Delhi - 110002 | |
23490469 23724218 |
23490469 |
Director (Monitoring), O/o Engineer-in-Chief |
Shri Sahanubhuti Ashok
(Executive Engineer) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi: 110002. | | 23490093 | 23319021 |
SE (QAU) |
08th Floor, MSO Building, I.P Estate, New Delhi - 110002 | | 23318921 |
Officeकार्यालय | Nameनाम | Addressपता | Email-Idईमेल आईडी | Phone No.फोन नं. | Fax No.फैक्स नं. |
Pr. Chief Engineer (Maintenance) |
Shri Md Khairuddin Mallick
(Addl. Director General) |
12th Floor, MSO Building, I. P.Estate, New Delhi: 110002 | |
23317520 23317926 |
23766924 |
East Maintenance Zone |
Er Shailendra
(Chief Engineer) |
3rd Floor, MSO Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 | | 23319715 | 23318859 |
North Maintenance Zone |
Shri Manoj Kumar
(Chief Engineer) |
5th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi-110002 | |
23319952 23325033 |
23356195 |
South Maintenance Zone |
Shri Manoj Kumar
(Chief Engineer) |
7th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi-110002 | |
23490019 23490020 |
Flyover Zone |
Shri Mukesh Kumar
(Chief Engineer) |
O/o Chief Engineer, Flyover Zone, PWD, GNCTD, 4th Floor, MSO Building, I. P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 | | 23490121 |
Officeकार्यालय | Nameनाम | Addressपता | Email-Idईमेल आईडी | Phone No.फोन नं. | Fax No.फैक्स नं. |
Pr. Chief Engineer (Projects) |
Shri Md Khairuddin Mallick
(Addl. Director General) |
9th Floor, MSO Building, I.P Estate, New Delhi - 110002 | |
23319795 23317728 |
Health Zone |
Shri Sunil Kumar Srivastava
(Chief Engineer) |
2nd Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi-110002 | |
23319153 23724394 |
23324794 |
Project Zone |
Shri Md Khairuddin Mallick
(Addl. Director General) |
1st Floor, MSO Building, New Delhi-110002 | |
23317560 23725169 |
23319851 |
Judiciary & Project Zone |
Shri Vikas Rana
(Chief Engineer) |
13th Floor, MSO Building, I.P.Estate, New Delhi: 110002 | |
23490427 23490426 |
CCTV, Wifi, Street Light & LED Screen Circle |
Shri Mahesh Kumar
(Superintending Engineer) |
11th Floor, MSO, Building, ITO, New Delhi | |
23490488 23319475 |
23319475 |
This is the Portal of Public Works Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to information and services being provided by the different wing of PWD Delhi. It is an initiative towards E-Governance Plan. यह लोक निर्माण विभाग, राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र (दिल्ली सरकार) का पोर्टल है जिसे इस उद्देश्य के साथ विकसित किया गया है जिससे लोक निर्माण विभाग, दिल्ली के विभिन्न स्कन्धों (विंग) द्वारा प्रदान की जा रही सूचनाओं तथा सेवाओं को एकल खिड़की के माध्यम से जाना जा सके | यह ई - गवर्नेंस योजना की दिशा में पहल है |
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